Saturday, December 4, 2010

How to Earn Easily on the Net

Aside from Studying Online........

Many people wish to work because they want to have money. They want to buy many things, foods and some are wishing to tour or travel all over the globe. But, to earn in a small and poor country is not enough. The salary like in the Philippines is very small which is only enough for our basic needs. That's why some people find ways to earn big. They leave their country and go abroad.

However, technology changes our lives. We have now the media that provides access for our benefits and satisfaction.Internet for example, makes the world a very small place. Before it was not easy to extend everything even our very simple hello to friends.Now, it is so easy.....Social networking makes people to hear,learn and know our ideas. Some new friends on the net are now lovers. So it means money can be as simple like that way. It can be easy and be the simplest way to bridge and put ways to make all of our dreams real for life.

What do you wish? Do you wish to become rich? Do you wish to become millionaire? or just to have thousands of dollars? can be real through here----on the net!!!

Be very intelligent. Be a publisher.Be willing to put patience at the beginning. In the future, everything will be easier for you to learn. Join me here...

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Story of José Rizal By Austin Craig

Jose P. Rizal is the Philippine National hero. He's considered as a great person because of his intelligence and patriotism. In the country, he is known as a great hero because he wrote what he learned against the invaders of the country. Other people believed that there were still more intelligent people than Dr. Jose Rizal however, they disliked what he did against spaniards because some of them were from invaders' race,too. They were better in some ways but unable to have patritiotism in their hearts.....

Click this link to read and learn the subject.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Advanced psychology: applications, issues and perspectives By Christine Brain

College students use this book as their reference in studying Pyschology. 
The link below provides lessons suit in studying this subject area. You can also use this as your reference.

Please click this link the view the book and its complete online pages.

Try this book or novel, too or refer to friends who love to read novel book. Sherlock Holmes is a good novel. You will love this and you will never forget this.

Read this while it is still available in some bookstore.

Susan Boyle's

She is famous worldwide this time. She is so cool with her very wonderful talent. This Audio CD is as wonderful as her voice. The list of her songs is here to attract you to sing with her or be like her amazing voice.

The CD is good especially to the people who love some music that fit to their taste.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Grammar in plain English By Harriet Diamond, Phyllis Dutwin

 Do you want to learn English and make your dreams come true? This book helps a lot. This teaches the students to learn the basic grammar in English.It also provides techniques in learning English fast and easy way.

Click this link so that you will be directed automatically the book you really need in your study.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Elementary Algebra

 This book helps the elementary and even high school students to learn Elementary algebra. This book provides lessons in Algebra that most students need so. Click the link below and start learning online your Elementary Algebra.

Elementary Algebra

 By Walter William Rouse Ball

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Research Writing and Writing Skills

Enhancing Basic Research and Writing Skills' 2004 Ed.

 By Lacia, Et Al

This book helps the students to learn the basic ways in writing research and improving writing skills. Tertiary and even the graduate students can use this book to help them during their research writing.

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Learning English Language

English grammar

 By Richard A. Hudson

Do you want to learn English? Do you want to learn the ways or rules so that you can speak well this language? This book from Richard A. Hudson will help you to learn and apply the right ways and rules in learning the language you long.

This is the link. Please click here:

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Learning Mathematics

Learning mathematics: issues, theory, and classroom practice

 By Anthony Orton

This book is very important in learning Mathematics. There are topics that are important here to identify some Mathematical abilities of every student.

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Learning mathematics: issues, theory, and classroom practice

 By Anthony Orton
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Monday, November 22, 2010


Preposition is A function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word.


Preposition Examples
About I will tell you a story about a lion.
Above The plane flies above the clouds.
Across They walked across the field.
After After lunch, I shall complete the remaining task.
Against I helped her going against the wishes of my loved ones.
Along All along the way, she did not speak a word.
Among The profit was shared among the shareholders.
Around Due to the snow, we turned around to return back home.
At The land is at war with its neighbor.
Before She had decided to quit before Christmas, but changed her plan.
Behind The church is located behind the supermarket.
Below The temperatures have dipped below freezing point.
Beneath The water level is beneath the average level.
Beside When we were in school, I used to sit beside her in class.
Besides Besides maths, I am very fond of history.
Between The profit was shared between the three of them.
Beyond The play was beyond my expectations.
But Everyone but her agreed with the arrangement.
By A house by the sea, to retire, is my dream
Concerning He is always curious about anything concerning her.
Despite Despite the snowfall, she decided to carry on with her journey.
Down Jimmy lives down the street.
During She works during the day and studies at night.
Except Except her no one has any objections to the plan.
For I jog for 10 miles everyday.
From She comes from Argentina.
In When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Inside Inside the tough exterior, lies a gentle soul.
Into As soon as she stepped into the room, there was pin drop silence.
Like She looks like her father.
Minus Ten minus eight equals two.
Near They have bought a new home near the school.
Of A friend of mine recommended the beautician to me.
Off To regain her lost health, it is important, she stays off her fad diet programs.
On There is an apple on the table.
Onto He always climbs onto the table.
Opposite Her desk is located diagonally opposite my desk.
Out of Out of sheer curiosity, I asked her the question.
Outside Outside the house lies a beautiful garden.
Over The journey cost me way over my budget.
Past She walked past me, but refused to acknowledge my presence.
Per What was the per person cost incurred?
Plus Eight plus six equals fourteen.
Since She was waiting for him since ten in the morning.
Through I slept all through the day.
Throughout Throughout winter, she has been sick.
To I am going to Atlanta, before I head back home.
Toward (s) It started raining towards the evening.
Under The road is under repair.
Underneath She found her earring underneath the carpet.
Until I did not get the documents until 5 pm.
Upon Once upon a time, there lived a king.
Up I walked up the stairs, to see the problem.
Up to The decision is up to the both of them.
Versus The last game was England versus France.
Via I will go via Sydney.
With She walked in with her new boyfriend.
Within She caters to customers within a radius of 5 miles.
Without I never leave my house without an umbrella, due to the uncertain weather.


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Thursday, November 18, 2010

English is Fun and Easy

Do you like English? If you like, why do you think you study English?

English is fun and easy. Many people like it because almost all people try to speak English and want to understand American actors and actresses.It's hard to understand English if you do not know how to speak it. You will only get envious to those who understand and speak.

Koreans, Japanese and Chinese study English almost everyday and almost everywhere.They want to speak fluently and speak happily using the international language. Some say,it is difficult. Some say, it's not.

How can you learn English fast? You can learn if you are so patient and willing to accept mistake and continue learning with the teacher.Ask your teacher if you find difficult words,then use the words in your sentences.That's EASY, right?

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What is a NOUN?

Noun comes from the Latin nōmen "name",[2] a translation of Ancient Greek ónoma.[3] Word classes like nouns were first described by Pāṇini in the Sanskrit language and by Ancient Greek grammarians, and were defined by the grammatical forms that they take. In Greek and Sanskrit, for example, nouns are categorized by gender and inflected for case and number.
Because nouns and adjectives share these three categories, Dionysius Thrax does not clearly distinguish between the two, and uses the term ónoma "name" for both, although some of the words that he describes as paragōgón (pl. paragōgá) "derived"[4] are adjectives.[5]


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Monday, November 15, 2010

What is English?

What is English?

Answer: English is the language of all people in the world. That is why people know that this is an international language. American people and even other people in Europe and other countries in some othe big continents use this to avoid gap and differences among countries. Americans are really the owner of this language that is why many people love to imitate them-their accent,their intonation and the way they speak using their slang words and some of their idioms.

How about you? Can you speak English like American?